I am still playing around a bit with Marvel Heroic Roleplaying now that I have seen it out in the stores. Saw a copy at my local Barnes & Nobel last night in fact. I thought this might be appropriate for today.
"Willow and Tara" by David Reynolds
Willow and Tara in the Marvelverse
I have to admit, that anytime I think about the girls in a super hero universe I always think of it in terms of DC. But the roleplaying and character development aspects of MHR are too good to ignore.
I have already done up my two DC go-to characters Zatanna and Justice with this system. And I have stated up Willow and Tara in one other version of Cortex in the past.
For the girls in this universe I'll start with the assumptions that the events in my previous games, The Dragon and The Phoenix and Season of the Witch happened. In fact even though this game was not part of the original plan it would work fine as part of the Generation HEX season I started and never finished.
Name: Willow
ID: Willow D. Rosenberg (public)
Age: 32 (2012)
Base of Operations: Boston, MA
Affiliations: Solo d8, Buddy d10, Team d6 (Willow in highschool was certainly more Team, but this is an older Willow)
Bad Ass Wicca
Quick to Anger
Power Sets
Sorcery d10
Magical Spells d10, Blast d10, Senses (magical) d10, Teleport d10, Telekinesis d10
Limit: Conscious Effort
SFX: Versatile
SFX: Area Attack
Anamchara d10 (Willow and Tara can combine their powers)
"I will always find you." (Telepathy) d8, "I am you know...yours" (Combine) d10
Limit: Distance/focus
SFX: Multipower
SFX: Boost
Mystic d10
Tech d10
Cosmic d8
Science d8
1xp You uncover some plot that is magical in nature.
3xp You discover some new magical tome or artifact.
10xp You defeat the main villain without magic.
1xp When you loose your temper
3xp When someone you are helping takes trauma
10 xp When your anger threatens the world, or saves it.
Willow in "Generation HEX" is one of the most power spell casters in the world. But her own issues surrounding her anger still plague her. She has turned to magic as a means of not just obtaining control over her situation, but of herself. She is slowly getting there.
Name: Tara
ID: Tara A. Maclay (public)
Age: 33 (2012)
Base of Operations: Boston, MA
Affiliations: Solo d6, Buddy d10, Team d8 (Tara does best with Willow or in a group)
Witchy Woman
"Tara hide your magic" - Tara is a deep, quiet, well of magical power, but she has been told her whole life to hide it.
Power Sets
Sorcery d10
Magical Spells d10, Blast d8, Senses (magical) d10, Telekinesis d10
Limit: Conscious Effort
SFX: Versatile
SFX: Healing
Anamchara d10 (Willow and Tara can combine their powers)
"I will always find you." (Telepathy) d8, "I am you know...yours" (Combine) d10
Limit: Distance/focus
SFX: Multipower
SFX: Boost
Mystic d10
Psych d10
Cosmic d8
Science d8
1xp You uncover some plot that is magical in nature.
3xp You discover some new magical tome or artifact.
10xp You defeat the main villain without magic.
1xp When you or Willow are dragged into a problem together
3xp When someone uses you to get to Willow or visa-versa
10 xp When you have to work together after being apart to stop the threat
Tara is more self-actualized than Willow is. She knows and accepts the dangers and responsibilities of her power. What she is most afraid of is loosing Willow; either to death or darkness. In my games the girls have seen many alternate realities, any reality without a Tara in it results in Willow turning evil and destroying things.
Willow and Tara have a lot of linked powers and milestones, as to be expected given their lives together.
To follow along with the Generation HEX plot ideas, they are living in Boston teaching at a school that has a lot of magical kids enrolled. In my game they would of course know of Zatanna and I would still have to say they are not up to her power level on their own, combined though they could give Zee a run for her money. Not that they would mind you, Tara is a HUGE fan of Zatanna, I have this on authority.
Of course this would also be a good episode to have the girl visit the wilds of Canada and check out the Cave of Cool.
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