Warung Bebas

Kamis, 10 Mei 2012

There is no Hell in the Blogosphere

but there is an afterlife...

First off. Dammit. I hate the word Blogoshpere!

Secondly.  No blog is meant to last forever.  We come, we go, we leave a little bit of ourselves behind.

I am here to make a humble request of my fellow RPG bloggers out there.

When you decide to leave, first please know that you will be missed.
Secondly, for the love of all that is sane, please either leave you blog in place and turned off or at least do something about your URL.

I was very excited to see that Bree Yark! was back today. http://breeyark.blogspot.com/
Until I actually began to read the posts.  Nope.  Looks like one of the blogs that people use to either age links of make money.  It might be a real person there with real thoughts, but damn it reads like computer generated text.

To quote Frank Zappa:
When you pay the bill, kindly leave a little tip 
And help the next poor sucker on this one way trip.

When you leave your blog, leave a little behind for the rest of us.
Like Chgowiz did.

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