Warung Bebas

Minggu, 20 Mei 2012

Gen Con Registration

Well I got into Gen con registration this morning.

I didn't end up getting all the games I wanted, but I did get a lot of good choices.

I wanted to take my kids on a "history tour" of D&D.
So far we are going to be playing 5e/Next, 4e, 3e and Castles & Crusades.  I wanted to get in an AD&D1 game and Basic game.  No luck though.

I still might run them through a Basic game on my own one of the nights.  Of course if I can find a Labyrinth Lord game, I'd love that. C&C is close to 3e and AD&D so this is a good choice.  And I wanted to play that one myself.

I am not sure if I'll have time for a Ghosts pickup game, though I love to try it at least one night.

Hope you all got your games!

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