Warung Bebas

Jumat, 06 April 2012

Which costume D:?

And so, just in case you missed my previous updates. I will be attending Cosplay: The Series' 1st anniversary event that is held at Bandung, Indonesia . More information here –> Cosplay- The Series 1st Anniversary Event


Event: Cosplay: The Series 1st Anniversary Event
Venue: COFFEE CLINIC, Jl. Rancakendal 9, Dago Pakar, Bandung (Indonesia
2pm – 10 pm
Entrance Fee: Rp 20,000

Well now, my reason for this post is actually to seek opinions on which costume to bring over? I’m on a lease of 10kg hand carry luggage so no big costumes for me xD  I’m hoping to bring something light and comfortable but I’m so fickle minded I can’t decide!.  

Help XD!

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My DA Gallery: http://elpheal.deviantart.com/gallery/

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