Yesterday saw the pre-preliminary round for Singapore’s World Cosplay Summit contestants! I had some errands to run that afternoon so I missed the performances.
Can’t seem to find any uploads on Youtube yet. Seems like it will take another day or two.
To fill the void, here’s some event photo coverage by yours truly. Not top notch quality but hope you guys enjoy it! much thanks to all the cosplayers who posed for me =)
Massive Photo spammage ahead!!!!!
Caught in action photos of Jesuke , who according to Ash, is being ‘sexy’ XDDD
Fate Stay Night and EVA?
Victhebakasaru as Ranka! Kira!
Can you guess who’s back is this xD?
Raistline and Ayatenshi as characters from Blazblue. Was great talking to them about their korea trip. Seems like they really enjoyed it. They had the chance to mingle with some Japanese , Korean and Thailand cosplayers.
And according to Raistline, the Japanese cosplayers even have a folder of their past works and their accolade along with them! Yes, A PORTFOLIO/RESUME OF THEIR COSPLAYS HOMG *jaws drop*
I guess this is what we call, Professional huh?
Dolls displays
I made her do this hurhurhur =X
Cutepetz promoting this new maid cafe that will be opening in September!
Great, another hang out place to look forward to =)
Check out the peek-a-boo lampshade!
There were so much Vocaloids yesterday. I think there is a minimum of 5 pairs of Kagamine Len & Rin ^^;
Kagamien Rin & Len, ‘Paper Plane’ version
‘Dreaming Little bird’ version of Vocaloid!
Camwhoring with Sakurazaki XD
K-On ! Mugi looks so kawaiii~!
Alright, this marks the end of my Starfest entry xD Much apologies for my massive photo spammage and for the lousy quality of my camera T_T
I arrived a little too late to give you anymore interesting footage. but the event is generally tiny so there' isn’t much to rattle about. But still, it makes me look forward to Cosfest xD
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